Thursday, January 21, 2016


We are still working in our Telling Good Stories unit and focusing on sequential order and many details in our stories. Students have used graphic organizers to plan out the beginning, middle, and end of their stories. We have talked about strong beginnings and strategies to hook the reader. We have learned that good story tellers include at least 3 details in the middle of their stories. We have also learned about effective endings that wrap up the story and leave the reader feeling satisfied.

At the end of this unit, students should be able to:

- compose using pictures and words.
- write narratives to recount two or more appropriately sequenced events.
- use details throughout the writing process.
- use temporal words (time) to signal event order.
- provide some sense of closure to writing.
- use vivid verbs that make the actions of characters come to life.
- use correct verb tense and stay in the correct verb tense.
- use adjectives to make the setting and scene seem real.
- use prepositions to add specific details to the story

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