Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Winter Party - This Friday

Dear 1st Grade Parents,

The Winter Party is right around the corner, Friday, Dec. 16, 2016, from 2:55 to 3:55 p.m. We are going to create paper plate globes and snowflakes out of pipe cleaners and beads. We are also going to play a few fun games - hungry snowman and winter dress relay. Please make sure to send your child with his/her jacket, hat and gloves/mittens. Kids are going to have a race to wear them at the end of the party :)

Please let us know if you are able to come help setup, clean up, or run the party. Party setup starts at 2:40p.m. Contact your room parent if you have any questions.

Mrs. Wolk's room parent: Shilpa Rao shilpasalil@gmail.com

Mrs. Cacioppo's room parent: James Johnson hootenjohnson@gmail.com
Billie Conger billie.conger1@gmail.com

Mrs. Koenig's room parent: Brianne Dorn briannedorn@hotmail.com
Missy Bredbenner missyjane6@gmail.com

Mrs. Eufinger's room parent: Claire Frakes thirzaclaire@gmail.com
Dana Delap ddelap@gmail.com

Mrs. Lafata's room parent: Emily Witcher familywitcher@gmail.com

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