This week in math our focus has been comparing two-digit numbers using the language "greater than" "less than" and "equal to". We are also practicing using the symbols < > =
We have used a number line to identify numbers that are greater or less than a given number. Students have worked through clues to figure out a mystery number. Some higher order thinking has been involved in this!
Beginning tomorrow we are starting a 5 lesson unit which uses a piece of literature. The book is about the Masloppy family. They're a huge mess! They need help to get organized. This unit will further our work with place value. We will also be working on these concepts:
- compensation and equivalence : This relates back to our work with true/false statements. We want students to understand that 4+4=5+3 and so on.
- unitizing: thinking of groups of ten and counting more efficiently by counting tens first and then ones instead of continuing to count larger quantities by one's
- noticing and understanding patters that occur when making and adding on groups of tens
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