Monday, October 2, 2017

Math Update

All students have gotten a chance to log into their Dreambox accounts! The link can be found on our grade level Symbaloo (first icon on the second row) :  If you wish for your child to access at home, they may. There is no requirement for this. The most important thing to remember is NOT to help them! I know it's our first inclination to help but the software is adaptive and needs to understand where the children are struggling so they can modify the lessons.

We continue to work on a variety of skills in math. We are getting more into story problems. We are working hard on carefully reading a story problem and identifying what the question is asking and identifying what information we already know. Third step is to determine if we are adding or subtracting. For instance:

Mel had 8 balloons. George gave him 7 more. How many balloons does Mel have in all?

1. It's asking us to find how many balloons Mel has now
2. We know that he had 8. We know George gave him 7.
3. The words "more" and " in all" can help us know we are adding

We are encouraging students to use strategies that work for them.We are building on what they know and introducing new strategies as they apply.

Another new concept we are working on is identifying "how many more" or "how many fewer". This is a tricky one and we will continue to practice throughout the year.

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