Tuesday, April 17, 2018

What We're Learning - Snack Size Update

It's so hard to believe there are only a few short weeks left of this school year! We continue to work hard on our learning goals, and there is A LOT to cover before our last day! Because there have not been a ton of changes since my last round of curriculum updates, here's a snapshot of our current learning:

Writing: Students finished up their book reviews and have chosen one to publish. This week students are recording their book reviews! Once they are all recorded, we will have a class viewing party! Watch the Instagram for your child's book review. Everyone is doing such a great job with these!

Tomorrow partners will be assigned for our upcoming non-fiction/research project. The students will work in partners to create a google presentation around a topic of their choice. Thursday and Friday during writing we will review how to look for facts in non-fiction books, how to decide what is important, and how to categorize and organize these facts. Mrs. Wagers is helping set up the templates for the project. This takes a few weeks and the kiddos always learn so much from each other. It's also great practice utilizing our technology.

Math: We continue to work on geometry concepts with 2-D and 3-D shapes. Students are learning to identify, describe attributes, compose and decompose shapes. Next week we will begin working on learning about fractions of a shape.

Reading: This week students are getting their reader's theater scripts. Not sure what reader's theater is? Check out this example:Reader's Theater Example Students will be learning their lines, learning how to take turns reading together, improve their fluency and expression, and create setting backdrops before they perform these for their classmates!

Science: I'm sure you've heard about the newest additions to our classroom this week! Students are studying the forest habitat including moss, a tree seedling, bess beetles, and pill bugs and a freshwater habitat including guppies, snails, and two types of aquatic plants. Students also planted their own seeds. They got to choose between: sunflower, kidney bean, pea plant, or pumpkin. We are watching our seeds grow. We are identifying similarities and differences between living organisms. Students are learning about the NEEDS of living organisms.

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