Monday, November 26, 2018

Word Work Update

This week:   -ing          you/your

12/3: -s    -es      has/or       challenge list (optional): pumpkins, forgets, scissors, munches, babies, bushes

12/10: -ed      be/by            challenge list (optional): shopped, clapped, shouted, started, rained, carved

12/17:  -ch    -th    with/that challenge list (optional): scratched, branches, choose, brother, another, clothes

New Science Starts Today!

Students are excited to be beginning our next science unit: Light & Sound. Students will use what they learn in this unit during our final science unit later on in the school year. During this unit students will learn that all products created by designers and engineers were created to meet a human need or want. One of the most basic of human needs is to communicate over a distance. In this module, students will investigate light and sound, including vibration from sound waves and the effect of different materials on the path of a beam of light. The students will use a design process to sketch, build, test, and reflect on a device that uses light or sound to communicate over a distance.
Students read about three fictional characters facing a similar design problem. Mylo, Suzie, and Angelina are lost and need to use only the materials in their backpacks to communicate using light or sound.

Look for some fun pictures on our Instagram account around our science work together in the coming weeks!


We continue to work on reading non-fiction! The students are having so much fun reading non-fiction texts, learning how to use text features, and learning new facts about a variety of topics! Over the next couple of weeks we will work on these skills:

-Learn how to talk with a partner about a non-fiction text.
-Readers re-read to make sure they understand
-Readers think about what they already know about a topic, ask questions to learn more, and have a way to share what they have learned
-Learn strategies for tackling new "super hard" vocabulary words they may encounter in their reading


We continue to work our way through topic 5 of our first unit. The concepts take a large step up in rigor during this topic. These are the skills we continue to work on:

- Finding the unknown part of an equation with the unknown in any position
- Use models and understanding of relationship between addition and subtraction to solve for the missing piece of an equation
- Determine whether an equation is true or false
Ex:  6+3=7+2  TRUE         10-2=2+2   FALSE
-Make true equations
-Solve equations and word problems with THREE addends

Continue practicing on addition and subtraction math facts at home! That knowledge helps support all our math learning!


This week we are beginning our new unit "Telling Good Stories". We are switching gears from non-fiction writing back to narrative and/or fiction. According to Lucy Calkins, “The urge to tell stories begins when children are very young.  They love to tell you imagined stories and not entirely real Small Moment stories..."  In Kindergarten, students learned to sequence stories across the pages of a book, add feelings and include a beginning and end.  We will expand this work in First grade by developing transitions with temporal words to signal event order.  Students will also learn how strong verbs and adjectives are used to develop plot and character.

This unit offers a great opportunity to learn to use three specific parts of speech (verbs, adjectives, and prepositions) with specific purpose – to help in the creation of a scene – a physical place where action is happening.

Telling Good Stories not only supports a child’s growth as a writer, but also as a storyteller.  Storytelling skills will help students’ reading comprehension, conversational skills, and imagination.  The genre of narrative writing can be used as a crafty approach to sharing a variety of content knowledge. Students will grow in their speaking and listening skills as they share their compositions.

Essential Questions for this unit:
How do people compose a good story?
How do people develop a good story?


November 27 - Choir Concert (6:30pm)
November 27 - 2nd Grade Music Program (7:15pm)
November 28 - Late Start Day 2-Hour (11:05 am)
December 4 - Grades 3-5 Hour of Code (7:50 am)
December 4 - 3rd Gr Field Trip (Davis & Williams)
December 5 - Math League Meeting 4th & 5th Gr (7:45 am)
December 6 - 3rd Gr Field Trip (Edelmann & Mohrmann)
December 7 - PTO Dance Party in the GYM (6:30-8pm)
December 12 - Math League Meeting 4th & 5th Gr (7:45 am)
December 12 - Science Project "How To" Night (6:30pm-Library)
December 17 - Central Regional Art Show (6-8pm-Central High)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Science Unit

After Thanksgiving break we will begin our next Science unit. We will be studying light and sound! This is the second of three brand new science units we are using this year. Just as in our Animal Adaptations unit students will acquire new knowledge and then have the opportunity to participate in a project and a cumulative project which solves a real world problem.

In this module students will investigate light and sound. They will learn about vibrations of sound and their impact on various materials on the path of a beam of light. The students will use a design process to sketch, build, test, and reflect on a device that uses light and/or sound to communicate over a distance.

Students will....

-List products created by engineers and designers that meet a human need or want.
-State questions that engineers may ask when gathering information about a situation people want to change.
-Identify the differences between a new object and an improved object.
-Recognize that light and sound travel over distances.
-Describe how we hear sound.
-Describe how we see objects.
-Describe what can happen when different materials are placed in the path of a beam of light.

Students will also be creating a presentation explaining their final design to their peers.

Social Studies - Families Now and Long Ago

Students have been studying family life from long ago and comparing it with their life today. During this unit students are:

-describing the common needs that all people and families have.
-comparing and contrasting family life today with the life of older relatives or other adults who play a significant part in their life.
-comparing and contrasting family life today with family life of different groups of people long ago, including things such as:


We are about to finish our Word Detectives unit on reading strategies. Students will be receiving their word detective badges from the agency this week ;)

Next up is a non-fiction unit! This is always lots of fun. The kids will have the opportunity to explore a variety of non-fiction texts such as books, magazines, online databases, websites, etc. Some outcomes for this unit are:

Readers use everything on the page to learn about a topic.
Readers use strategies to understand new vocabulary.
Readers reread text to notice craft moves and improve fluency.


This week we will be finishing up topic 4. We are still in our first math unit. Here are some concepts we will be working on this week:

-Using addition to subtract - basically looking for related inverse addition facts related to subtraction facts

-Explain subtraction strategies - really working on explaining our math thinking to demonstrate thorough understanding

-Solving different types of addition and subtraction problems with unknowns in different positions

Ex:   ____+6=10                 4+_____=10          4+6=______

Topic 5 beginning next week:

-More work with finding unknown numbers -  having an understanding of how addition and subtraction facts are related will really help with this work

-Make true equations

Ex:    3+6=8+___

-Story problems with three addends

Word Work

There will be NO WORD WORK the week of 11-5 or 11-19 due to time off school.

11-12: -ug  -ump       accountable words: he/big
11-26: -ing                accountable words: you/your
12-3: -s   -es (endings) accountable words: has/or

Chunks we have worked on so far:

These are always great to pull out for word work at home. This site has some fun ideas for ways to practice spelling if you get bored over these cold winter months ;)


Students continue to work on their non-fiction teaching books. The kids are writing about a variety of topics they know all about! It has been so much fun seeing them apply text features and craft into their teaching books! Students have used a checklist to evaluate whether or not their teaching book includes all the parts it should. Students have worked with a partner to make some revisions and additions to clear up clarifying questions from a reader. Last week students added a table of contents to their book. The hope over the next week is that students can complete another book or two so when we publish these books right before our Thanksgiving break they will have several to choose from.

When we return from break we will begin our unit: Telling Good Stories - Beginning, Middle, End. During this unit we work on adding more content, details, topic-specific vocabulary and of course will continue to work on grade-level mechanics such as appropriate use of capital letters and punctuation. Essential Questions for this unit:

How do people compose a good story?
How do people develop a story?

This will shift our focus back from non-fiction writing to more fiction and/or personal narratives depending on what students choose to write about.

Essential Questions

Can you believe the first trimester is pretty much over? WOW - 1/3 of the school year. Slow down...! Here are the essential questions we are currently working on:

Why do writers write teaching books?
How do I write a nonfiction chapter book?
How can I make my book even better?

How does knowing many strategies help me to be a better problem solver?
How can the relationship between addition and subtraction help me to solve problems?
How can I communicate my math thinking?

---> New Unit beginning December is Data

How do I solve hard words?
How do snap words help me read?

New unit next week: Non-fiction/Reading about our world
How do I learn about a topic?
How do I understand new words?
Why do I reread?

Social Studies:
Students have been studying this unit (Families Now and Long Ago) with Mrs. Cacioppo :)

How has family life stayed the same and changed over time?

Canned Food Drive

Image result for canned food clipart

Canned food drive will be the week of 11-12!