Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Essential Questions

Can you believe the first trimester is pretty much over? WOW - 1/3 of the school year. Slow down...! Here are the essential questions we are currently working on:

Why do writers write teaching books?
How do I write a nonfiction chapter book?
How can I make my book even better?

How does knowing many strategies help me to be a better problem solver?
How can the relationship between addition and subtraction help me to solve problems?
How can I communicate my math thinking?

---> New Unit beginning December is Data

How do I solve hard words?
How do snap words help me read?

New unit next week: Non-fiction/Reading about our world
How do I learn about a topic?
How do I understand new words?
Why do I reread?

Social Studies:
Students have been studying this unit (Families Now and Long Ago) with Mrs. Cacioppo :)

How has family life stayed the same and changed over time?

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