Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September Book Order

September book orders will come home Friday. Please either send in or submit online by Friday, September 9. You can order online by visiting this site:  Our class code is: J6ZT4

Math - Addition and Subtraction

This unit is focused on counting, reading and writing numbers up to and beyond 120. We are also learning about the operations of addition and subtraction. During this unit we are working to develop strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers based on what the students already know and their work with numbers in kindergarten. Students will understand the connections between counting and addition and subtraction. We have been working on some vocabulary terms such as: sum, plus, minus, add, subtract, in all, equation. A new concept to this unit is determining about whether or not equations are true or false. Result-unknown word problems are also introduced in this unit. 

Some of the big skills we are laying the foundation for during this unit are:

-> Use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
-> Represent a problem in multiple ways including objects, drawings and equations.
-> Add and subtract within 20.
->Add and subtract within 10 fluently.
-> Select from a variety of strategies according to the numbers in the problem.

We are going to begin signing in here at school to your child's Pearson account late this week. I will continue to be in touch with you regarding signing in from home and using the online resource at home. This will at no time be required, just an additional resource for you if you choose.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Partner Reading

Part of our reading routine some days is partner reading. Partner reading is great for building fluency, applying reading strategies, deepening comprehension, and of course developing social skills such as turn-taking and problem solving.

This week's word work

This week the accountable words we are working on are:  the   back

Our spelling patterns:  - all   -ad

Vowel: short i

Monday, August 29, 2016

Classroom Volunteers

I am ready to begin welcoming parent volunteers. Volunteers may come in between 1:50 and 2:50. I usually have work to help with at least once a week, sometimes less seldom, it just depends! In the past some parents have wanted to do standing appointments which is wonderful, but if you just want to come in once and try it that works too! No commitment necessary. I appreciate any and all help! All volunteers do need to follow district protocol and complete a background check. Even if you completed this last year, it is my understanding that it should be done each year. Please follow the link to complete this:

Pre/Post Word Assessments

Last week we began our work with word chunks and the accountable words. Mondays we take a pre-assessment and Fridays we take a post. The goal is to see growth from Monday to Friday as we are doing activities throughout the week with the words and chunks. On Mondays I send home the previous week's pre and post assessments for you to see. This is not intended for you to help your child memorize the lists of words, but for you to be aware the spelling patterns and accountable words your child is still working to master. There are many fun ways your child can work on these patterns at home. Let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Math fun!

In first grade we love playing math games! We use hands-on experiences to practice skills and build number sense. Of course this is a great chance to work on our social skills, too!


Please return :

1. Emergency Dismissal form
2. "All about my first grader"



Homework began this week. It came home Monday and is due on Fridays. Some students did not return it today. Please help your child remember this important due date. Please send homework Monday if it was not returned today. Thank you for your help with this!

Coming Home Today

Happy Friday! Here are some important items to keep an eye out for in your child's take home folder this afternoon:

1. Classroom party due envelope: please return with $10 by 9-16-16
2. Shenandoah Valley spirit wear order form: due by 9-15-16
3. Writing Ideas list: Please take a few moments to help your child brainstorm some writing ideas for writing workshop. These may include activities your child likes to do outside of school, special trips, holiday celebrations, etc. Having this in their writing folder will assist them in writing workshop so they always have plenty of topic ideas. Please return by Wednesday of next week (8-31)
4. Dental information from nurse
5. Parent letter about our new math resource

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Leader in Me Learning

This week we have been talking about the second "habit of happy kids" which is - Beginning with the end in mind. I like to talk a little bit with the children about goal setting at the beginning of the school year and introducing this habit opened up some great discussions. Students have great ideas about goal setting and we have enjoyed sharing academic, behavioral, and extra curricular goals with our friends. We read a book this week called the Little Scarecrow Boy. He aspired to be the fiercest scarecrow. He had to make and follow a plan in order to attain his goal. We discussed goals for our first grade year together and students thought about steps they would need to take to attain those goals. This goal can be applied in many situations!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Building a Community of Readers

Similar to writing workshop, We are also striving to create community in our reading workshop. During this unit I will work to build relationships students as they learn about each one's strengths, struggles, interests, and preferences related to their lives as readers. It provides time to build community as students learn about their classmates and set goals for growing together as readers during the school year. These conversations happen to fit in nicely with our Leader in Me learning this week, which is habit two "begin with the end in mind". As we discuss personal goals in reading and across the curriculum, we are applying what we have learned about the second habit.

We are working to establish routines and procedures in the classroom as well as set expectations for independent and partner reading. First grade students will learn the grade level appropriate habits that good readers need to possess and use to grow as readers. This will include how to handle books, management of books and book boxes, using beginning reading strategies, and working with partners.

Students got their book boxes this week and were excited to "book shop" for the first time. I am continuing to work on my individual reading assessments. Once they are complete I look forward to beginning guided reading instruction. Within the next couple of weeks watch for your child's book bag which will come home each evening with a leveled book from their book box. 

Building a Community of Writers

As Kindergarteners, students began the year launching the writing workshop with a Building a Community of Writers unit of study. As first graders, the students will continue this journey.   They have had experiences with structures and expectations of the writing workshop, received their "handy dandy" writing folder to hold their pieces, and charted what writing workshop looks like and sounds like. We start within the first few days of school re-acquainting children with structures, routines and habits that promote a collaborative writing community. The heart of this unit lives in establishing trust amongst the community members; trust that will foster open, collaborative relationships amongst community members that expands throughout the school year. In first grade students will continue to develop their writing process by expanding their topic ideas, developing more to say about each idea, and become more fluent with the writing process.

The focus of this unit is to help students develop writing habits and processes they can apply throughout their writing lives.  Due to this, the genre selection is open-ended for students to explore the writing process and engage in a new writing community.

In addition to having fun writing their first pieces of first grade, students are beginning to share and enjoy hearing each other's work.

We are also working on a handwriting page each day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Star Students

Please look in your child's take home folder TONIGHT for their star student letter with the date for their star week. Please check your calendars and if for any reason this week does not work for your family, please contact me as soon as possible so we can make other arrangements. Please make note of your child's special week. I will send a reminder e-mail a week before and send home a poster for your child to decorate. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Please return...

If you attended curriculum night last week you should have the "All About my First Grader" paper. If you were unable to attend, this came home with your child Friday. Please fill this out at your earliest convenience! It will help me to better serve your child and family this school year. Thanks!


If you see "GP" at the top of a paper, know this means it was completed with the teacher. This stands for "guided practice". :)

Monday, August 22, 2016

Accountable Words/chunks

Our chunks we are working on this week are -at and -an and our accountable words are "all" and "had"


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Accountable Word Work

While we do not do traditional spelling word lists, there is a list of "first grade accountable words" which students should be able to read and write by the end of first grade. Each week we focus on 1-2 of these words and incorporate them into our spelling and word work routines.

We also study many different spelling patterns or "chunks". This learning transfers into reading and writing skills. Each week on MONDAYS we will give a pre-assessment of 8 words with the chunk of the week as well as the accountable words for the week. On FRIDAYS after we have worked with the words and chunks throughout the week, students take a post-assessment with 8 words to see how they have grown. The words are different from Monday to Friday so we can see if the skills are truly transferring. This way students aren't just memorizing a list of words, but can understand and apply new patterns.

Word work time is built into our schedule each day. Students will learn through a variety of activities with these words and chunks such as: webs, scavenger hunts, writing sentences or stories, interactive writings, activity pages, and more!


Another item we take time to do some direct instruction with at the beginning of the school year is handwriting. While writing is a developmental skill, the students definitely benefit from practicing proper letter formation. Moving forward our hope is that students' handwriting continually improves. We are working on a handwriting book here at school and do 3-5 letters per week depending on our other regularly scheduled curriculum activities. When we complete it, it will be sent home. Please let me know if you should have any questions regarding handwriting.

Vowel Practice

In first grade we like to start the new year with some review of vowel sounds. This is always helpful for writing and reading. We are just going to be studying the SHORT vowel sounds first. Each week we will study a different vowel and practice using them. You will see some items coming home from our work on these. This week we are working with the letter A. Next week it will be E, and so on.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Leader in Me

We are excited to be implementing the Leader in Me program and the 7 Habits of Happy Kids at Shenandoah this year. It fits in nicely with our PBIS system already in place and children are eager to grow in their leadership. It's fun to see students taking ownership of their actions and their learning! Watch for more information on the blog about the 7 habits. I have a parent guide I would be happy to share with any of you interested in taking a peek.

This week we are talking all about habit 1 - "being proactive"! We had a good-bye party for the word "can't" and plan to take on a can-do attitude even when things feel difficult this year. Students tore up or stomped on the word can't and then threw it away in the trash can! It was a powerful illustration. We also talked about how we are in charge of our own choices, attitudes, and actions.


I know it can be tricky to get all items on the school supply list right away. If there are still items you need to send in for your child, you may send them at any time. Many students still need an art shirt. This can be any old t-shirt that can be worn over the child's clothing during messy art projects. Thank you for your help with these items.


Parents are always eager to know what they can do at home to support their child at school. There will be many opportunities this year to extend learning to home and practice new skills. One thing I notice at the beginning of the year is many friends still learning to tie shoes and also spell first and last names (especially last names). If your child is still working on these items, please practice with them at home. Thanks!

Star Student Weeks

In order to build community in first grade and celebrate one another, we have a star student each week. The weeks are all determined in advance for planning purposes. Soon I will be sending out information about when your child's star week will be. Please review the date and let me know as soon as possible if those dates do not work for your family. More information to come on this. Watch for a letter early next week!

Schedule Change

There has been a slight schedule change. First grade's lunch time is now from 11:25-11:55. It was scheduled for 11:20. Please make note of this change. I will have a corrected copy of the schedule for you this Thursday at curriculum night. :)

Essential Questions

I like to share with you the essential questions that go along with each of our curricular units. These are great for sparking conversations at school and at home around our first grade topics. Essential questions are open-ended and the students are all answers are welcome. They are intended to be thought-provoking. Here are the EQ's for the units we are beginning.

Writing: Why do people write? What do people need to write?

Math: How can I use the math practices to help me become a better math mathematician? How can I communicate my math thinking? How can the relationship between addition and subtraction help me to solve problems? How does knowing many strategies help me to be a better problem solver?

Reading: How do readers communicate their thinking? What skills and strategies do people use to continually improve as readers? What makes reading enjoyable?

Social Studies: How can I help make my community a better place to be? What makes an effective community?

Friday, August 12, 2016

Photos Online

At this point no one has informed me that they prefer their child NOT be pictured on the blog. Next week I plan to begin posting about some of the learning activities we are doing in class. Stay tuned for some pretty cute faces! And do let me know if you prefer for your child's photo to not be included in blog posts.

Parent Volunteers

I often have work that needs to be done in the classroom that parent volunteers can help with. The time I am able to welcome volunteers is during our specials time -- 1:50-2:50 PM. If you are interested in volunteering please contact me through e-mail to set up a time. Work may vary depending on the week. We love to have parents help out!

Snacks and water bottles

Just a reminder that we will have one afternoon snack each day around 1:30. Please send a healthy snack for your child. I am unable to provide any extra snacks for students who do not have one. Also, if you would like for your child to have a water bottle to drink from throughout the day, please send one with your child. Thanks!

Coming home today...

There are some important items coming home today in your child's take home folder to watch for:

1. The Shenandoah Valley parent handbook. Please keep this to refer to throughout the year regarding routines, procedures, and policies.
2. Emergency dismissal plan. Please fill out and return this form no later than Thursday, September 18th. This gives us information about how you would like your child to get home in the event of an early dismissal for any reason.
3. PTO note: Information about PTO activities and how you can get involved!
4. Mystery Citizen: This is an opportunity for YOU to come into our classroom during a Social Studies lesson and help us to learn about citizens in our community. We are inviting parents in to talk about specific responsibilities of your job and how that contributes to being a good citizen. The special guest will remain a mystery until they arrive! Return the form to me if you are interested in participating.

Me Bag

Your child should have brought home their "Me bag" assignment yesterday afternoon. For this activity, students need to choose 5 items to place into their bag that help us get to know them. Our first unit in Social Studies is called 'What is a Citizen?' and this activity is a fun way for us to get to know the citizens in our class! Please help your child complete this assignment and return the bags to school by 8-15-16 -- this coming Monday. Please let me know should you have any questions about this! Thanks!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

First Grade Schedule

This is what our schedule looks like this year:

9:10-9:20 Morning Meeting

9:20-10:15  Writing Workshop

10:15-10:30  Recess

10:30-11:20  Math

11:20-11:50 Lunch

11:50-12:35  Word Work / PMI

12:35-12:50  Recess

12:50-1:50  Reading (snack)

1:50-2:50  Specials

2:50-3:50  Scial Studies/Science

3:50 Pack-up/dismiss

Monday, August 8, 2016


The 2016-2017 school year is just about ready to kick off! I cannot wait to welcome all the new students. I hope you have all had a wonderful summer. We sure did! We enjoyed a trip to Minnesota. Here are a few of my favorite photos from our trip... I look forward to hearing about all of the students' adventures.