Thursday, November 17, 2016


We are finishing up our talk unit which has put an emphasis on partner reading and comprehension skills. I have been impressed with the students' ability to talk about a text. Students have had the opportunity to work with various partners and put their conversational skills to use! Students have learned that talking about a text is much more than one partner saying something and another partner listening. Students understand the back and forth flow which can include asking questions, clarifying understandings or misunderstandings, sharing ideas and reactions to a text. Here are some prompts you can use at home to talk about books with your child:

-When you were reading what were you thinking?
-I think __________. What do you think?
-Why do you think character ____ acted that way?
-How do you think the character feels and why?
-Why do you think the character keeps doing that?
-What do you think the character wants or needs?
-What is the problem in the story?
-How do you think the character will solve the problem?

-Share with your partner when a character reminds you of someone in real life
-Share with a partner when the story reminds you of something from your life.
-Share with your partner when a character reminds you of another character of another book.
-Share with your partner when something in the book is funny, surprising, or confusing.
-Share with your partner what is resolved or unresolved at the end of the story.

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