Thursday, March 22, 2018

Essential Questions

These are the essential questions for our current units of study:

How can I share my opinion with others?
What can I learn from a review?

Why do we measure?
What is important when we measure?

What do readers do when they make mistakes?
What do readers do when they come to a word they don't know?
What do readers do when their reading doesn’t make sense?
Why is reading with fluency important?

(upcoming - Meeting Characters/Learning Lessons)
How do readers keep track of the events in a story?
How do partners share their reading adventures?
How do readers study the characters in books?
What important lessons can I learn from the character and their experiences?
How do readers share their opinions about books?

Social Studies:

How can we find and show where places are located in our community?
How can you use maps and globes to help you find things?

Science : (Upcoming)

How can you tell if something is living?
What do living things need in order to stay alive?
How are plants and animals alike and different?

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