Monday, September 24, 2018

Habit #4 and Habit #5

Last week we learned about Habit #4 - Think Win Win. We learned about how thinking win-win helps us all get along and benefits everyone in the long run. Students thought of some great examples for both the home and school setting! We definitely have to use this habit at school!

This week we are focusing on Habit #5 - Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood. This habit is a tough one for first graders! It teaches us the importance and power of listening with our heart and our eyes. We will be learning about this habit through read alouds and some in class listening activities. As an introduction today we played a game where I gave 3 simple directions (such as 1. touch your knee 2. touch your foot 3. touch your nose) and students had to wait until I had finished before they could actually do the actions. Some of them found this easy and some found it very frustrating!

The habits will continue to be re-visited throughout the school year. Mastery is not expected. (We are all a work in progress!) We would love to see transfer of this language and these ideas throughout the school day and even at home! :0) Mrs. Wagers has a lot of the "7 Habits of Happy Kids" books in the library if you're interested in continuing this work at home!

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