Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Reading Forecast

We have completed our reading units and Reader's Theater! I am currently working on 1:1 reading assessments. This is my FAVORITE! I love seeing the growth from August to May. It is truly incredible. Each and every student has grown leaps and bounds and should feel so proud!

Skills we will be working on in the coming days:

-Readers keep track of the events in a story and use them to make predictions and retell key details in sequence
-Readers study characters closely to grow ideas about how they think and feel
-Readers pull life lessons from their stories
-Reader grow opinions about books and share their opinions and recommendations

-All stories have common elements.
-Readers have ways to get to know a character.  
-Readers process changes in the story elements to understand their impact on the story as a whole.

Students will work on a variety of comprehension activities independently and with partners.

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