Monday, January 7, 2019


In reading we are in our Story Elements unit. Story elements are: characters, setting, problem and solution. We have been talking some about the elements of a good story in writing, so this is a great place to make connections.

Last week we learned about each of the elements and did some overview as we practiced identifying them together as a class.

This week we are taking a closer look at setting and characters. We have begun using a reading notebook to do some journaing about our reading.

Comprehension skills are a large focus during this unit. Here are some questions we may ponder whole group, small group, partner, and individually:

-How could we describe characters?
-How are the characters interacting?
-Why do you think the characters are behaving that way?
-How do the characters' personalities shape the turn of events in a story?
-How do the story elements affect the way the story unfolds?
- How would changing some elements of the story change the outcomes?
-What might you do differently if you were in the character's shoes?
-Describe how the settings/characters change in the story.

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