Friday, August 31, 2018

Word Work

Tuesday, September 4th we are beginning our weekly word work. Please refer to the handout from curriculum night throughout the year to see where we are at with our "spelling patterns" and accountable words for the week. Here are the next 3 weeks:

-at       -an               all   had

-all   -ad                  back   the

-ap    -ack                no  she

On Mondays students will take a very short pre-assessment including words with these patterns and the two accountable words. Each day during the week we will do some sort of activity or lesson with the spelling patterns, and on Fridays the students will take a very short post-assessment of the patterns and accountable words. You will notice the words given on the pre and post assessments are not the same. The purpose is not for students to memorize the words, but to learn how the spelling pattern works and be able to apply it into making new words. The pre and post assessments will come home the following week. Our goal is to see growth on these. For instance, if a child has +3/8 Monday and on Friday has +6/8 that means their understanding of these patterns has improved.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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