Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Next Week...

(October 22nd – October 26th, 2018)

Please join us in celebrating this week dedicated to students making healthy and safe choices in all areas of their lives! Pledge to eat healthy, get enough sleep, never put bad things in our bodies or brains and treat others with respect and kindness! Let’s pledge to stand together and let your good character SHINE through!
Monday, 10/22: Let’s ROCK our Healthy Choices!
Dress like a Rock Star!

Tuesday, 10/23: Treating your body poorly is CRAZY!
Crazy Hair and Crazy Hat Day!
(No colored hair spray, please!)

Wednesday, 10/24: Our future is so BRIGHT!
Wear your favorite“shades”!

Thursday, 10/25: Exercise and Sleep keeps your
 Body and Mind Healthy!
Wear your Favorite Sport Logo or PJ’s.

Friday, 10/26: SOCK it to Unhealthy Choices
Silly Sock Day!

5 – 6 years: 10 ¾ - 11 hours
7 – 8 years: 10 ½ - 11 hours
 9 years: 10 – 10 1/3 hours
 10 – 12 years: 9 ¾ - 10 hours
  13 – 24 years: 9 – 9 ½ hours

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