Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Word Detectives!

We have started our Word Detectives reading unit. This is such a fun unit where we will be "secret agents" getting clues on how to become better readers. Our teaching point each day will come via sealed top secret envelope!

Essential questions for this unit are:

How do I solve hard words?
How do snap words help me read?

Some skills we will be learning throughout the lessons:

**Notice and stop at words that are not understood
**Use strategies to seek clarification for unknown words including both word level strategies and context strategies
**Monitor comprehension while reading
Try new strategies to solve hard words if initial strategy does not help
Slowly check words
Look through a word for common affixes, root words, and endings
Break apart words by sounds and syllables, including compound words and contractions
Notice patterns in the beginning, middle, and end of words 
Use spelling patterns to decode beginnings of words, vowels within words (side by side vowels), and endings of words

The ** indicates comprehension skills

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