Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Book Bags - Home Today!

 Reading bags will begin coming home with your child today.  The books they choose to bring home each evening are at their independent reading level, which means they should be able to mostly read them on their own.  Please encourage them to read them to you every night.  They will then return the book the following day and check out a new one.  They will not be able to check out a new book unless the one from the previous day is returned.  As they get into the higher reading levels the books will become longer and they may have to spend more than one day with a book. Also...please note that I have not completely finished testing children on current reading levels.  Therefore, your child's books they are bringing home may not be their exact independent level at this time.  However, I thought it was more important to begin getting books into their hands to be reading at home!  I would ask that you do 3 things to support your child's reading at home.
1. Ask them to read their book to you that they bring home nightly.
2. Ask them a few comprehension questions after they finish reading.  (Some examples: Who were the main characters?, What was the problem in the story?, etc...)
3. Praise them for their successes and effort!

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