Friday, September 15, 2017

Message from Ms. O


Things are moving right along at school, I can’t believe it is already the middle of September! I don't think I can express enough how wonderful it is being in class with your students. They are truly making my experience one I will always remember and cherish. We have been practicing all types of greetings in morning meeting from games, questions, chants, you name it! The students work so well with one another and are always excited to participate in everything we do. We just finished up learning about short vowel E last week and short vowel I this week in Word Work. The students have brought home a vowel game that would be great (and fun) practice for all of them. I'll make sure to send another one home for the weekend too! Next week we move on to short vowel O and will be doing all sorts of activities. Mrs. Koenig is handing over another subject to me starting next week, dun dun dun….
Just kidding. I will start teaching writing on Monday! I'm very excited to start writing with your children and reading all the stories they have and will write over the semester. It is going to be great. Thank you all again for allowing me the opportunity to work with such a great group of kids! Have a great weekend!

Ms. Oglesby

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