Monday, August 28, 2017

Essential Questions

We have a set of essential questions which go along with all of our curriculum units of study. These questions get the students thinking about the concepts and are great discussion starters both at school and home. I will share the essential questions for each unit with you. I encourage you to ask your students these questions at home. They're great conversation starters! Many times if you ask a first grader what they learned at school, they will say "nothing" or "I can't remember". These questions will spark their memory of their learning from school! Here is the first set of EQ's:


-What habits help me build stamina?

-How do I write tricky words?

-How do I stretch out a personal narrative?


- How does knowing many strategies help me to be a better problem solver?

- How can the relationship between addition and subtraction help me to solve problems?

- How can I communicate my math thinking?

- How does knowing many strategies help me to be a better problem solver?

- How can the relationship between addition and subtraction help me to solve problems?

- How can I communicate my math thinking?


- What habits help me as a reader?

- What do I do when words are tricky?

- How do reading partners work together?

- What makes an effective community?

Social Studies:

- How can I help make my community a better place to be?

- How do my school and community influence each other?

- What are my rights and responsibilities in my community?

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