Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Welcome Letter

Dear Families,

Hello and welcome to another exciting school year! I am thrilled to be your child’s first grade teacher! First grade is so much fun. I wanted to share a little bit about myself with you…

This is my seventh year teaching first grade at Shenandoah Valley. I love the pure joy and enthusiasm that first graders bring into the classroom. It is such an exciting time of growth and development, and definitely where my heart and passion are as an educator.

My personal philosophy for teaching focuses on the whole-child. I value your child’s social, emotional, and academic intelligence and strive to support them in all areas. Our classroom is a safe, warm community which fosters independence, problem-solving, and student growth. I am big on relationships and make that my first goal. I want to get to know each child so I can meet their individual needs. I value communication and make every effort to communicate effectively regarding your child’s progress.

On a more personal note, my husband and I have been married six years and we have a two-year old son, Gavin. We are very family-oriented and spend most of our free time with family and close friends. Being a parent myself has helped me truly appreciate that you all are entrusting me with your most precious treasures!!!

I look forward to the learning ahead of us! Never hesitate to contact me. I appreciate your partnership to ensure your child makes great strides this school year.

Most Sincerely,
Mrs. Heather R. Koenig

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin

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