Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Great First Day, folks!

Good Evening!

I wanted to send a quick note and let you know that we had a fabulous first day of first grade (despite a very soggy dismissal, ha!!) I have loved beginning to get to know each of the students and they have had fun getting to know each other also. We have already begun building community through a morning meeting, writing and sharing about ourselves, and some other fun activities. We are working on establishing routines and procedures to make for a smooth year.

A couple of reminders:
-If you were unable to attend meet the teacher look in your child’s take home folder for some paperwork. Please fill out and return the GOLD transportation form and emergency dismissal form as soon as possible.
-We will have an afternoon snack each day. Please send a healthy snack with your child if you would like them to have one. Remember we are a nut-free environment. :0)
-Coming home with your child tomorrow will be a Social Studies assignment I need your help with. It is called the “Me Bag” and instructions will be attached. Please help by sending these items in next Monday, August 21st.

Do not hesitate to contact me with questions.

We’re going to have a great year of learning together!


Heather Koenig

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